Lesser Black-backed Gull
scientific name:
Larus fuscus
White ring with a black 3 alpha-numeric code : “n.xn” , where n = number and x= a letter and “.” a dot.
note 1 : used codes are the letters T, U, V, and Z, and for 2008 the letter Z was used.
note 2 : birds are ringed at Bailiwick of Guernsey, Channel Islands.
note 3 : do please take notice of the “dot” as a check character.
note 4 : Annual Reports are available on the Guernsey Gulls web site ( and also on the Guernsey Gulls Blogspot (
note 5 :
website sighting submit:
email sighting submit:
website information:
colour-ring type:
Legring : one, coded.
colour-ring colour (of the c-ring):
White [W]
colour-ring code (of the c-ring):
Three alpha-numeric code (3 letters/numbers).
colour-ring position (of the c-ring):
Tarsus right.
countries where ringed: