General information

The in this application stored information about names, addresses etc will not be shared with third parties.
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An important purpose of the website is to help ensure that cr- schemes
do not overlap.

* Overlapping schemes compromise important scientific research and must be avoided.
* Inadequate use of color markings may threat existing protocols and on-going studies.
-> BEFORE starting a new scheme, ringers MUST first speak with the co-ordinator for that species or in absence of this one , contact Dirk Raes

[ it is not sufficient to merely look at the website
and pick a colour combination that appears to be free
agree with other projectleaders

as some projects are into the cr-pipeline and can be not yet mentioned on the site ]

If a not-agreed cr-project is announced to European colour-ring Birding ,
it could NOT be mentioned on the website ! 
Following this process is obligatory for all ringers across all EU-countries.  

so dear project-leader,
before starting a colour-ring project, you need to have (see also EURING-guidelines) a licence/permit to colour-ring and the formal endorsement from your National Ringing Centre (=NRC). This is your responsability.
You must ensure that your licence/permit covers the type of mark (flag, c-ring, geolocator etc) and position (on the leg) which is proposed by the IWSG or the by EURING agreed coordinators (see below).

so you need :
· a permission from your NRC to ring birds (metal ring).
· a permission from your NRC to colour-ring birds (colour ring).

. a permission from the agreed cr-coordinators (see list below) for the colours and codes to be used. (in absence of a coordinator, you can contact me)
· mailing me your project to be added to the European colour-ring Birding website.
· after this you can order your colour-rings (see colour-ring supplier).
. reporting regularly to the field-observer (this will be mentioned with your project on this website) and (which is an obligation) reporting your information to your NRC.

For waders see also :

On the EURING-website you can find the list of these institutes/NRC belonging to and agreed by EURING. It is the coercive task for the colour-ringer/projectleader to report his project(s) and resightings to his NRC. This is a legal requirement and condition of being issued with a license to colour-ring birds.


EURING - guidelines on the use of colour markings.
In order to increase coordination between projects and to get all the information to the central database, ringing schemes need to handle permissions for colour ringing more strictly:

- before using colour-rings a national ringing permit and the agreement of the national ringing scheme is needed.
- only use colour-rings as additional marking to the official rings of the national ringing scheme.
- ringing schemes should issue colour ringing permits only after coordination with other projects has been assured.
- EURING is on the way to find coordinators for all species (species group). This coordinator has to be contacted before starting a colour-ring program. The coordinators in close cooperation with the national ring scheme give the ring (colours, code) combinations to the ringers.
- in an area there should be only a single project for each species to make it easier for observers to report the rings to the right projects.
- ringing schemes should issue and prolong colour ringing permits on the condition that the ringer sends in all information about ringing and resightings to the scheme.
- ringing schemes should store all the sightings in their central database.
- the most important thing is that you NEVER start a colour ringing programme before being certain that nobody has used the same colour and code combination.

- due to some cases of misusing my trust, correspondence about a new scheme can be done with the national ringing scheme into cc-mails.    
- if a not registered cr-project is announced to the European colour-ring Birding website, it will be mentioned with a severe remark !  


- for ringers in the UK : you need the agreement of your national ringing scheme / BTO.

Agreed coordinators for all species. (dd. 01/03/2022)
(in an agreement between EURING, IWSG, GSG and European colour-ring Birding).
(in absence of a coordinator, contact [ cr-birding ATT ]

* All geese species :
Youri van der Horst :

* All wader species :
IWSG Colour Mark Coordinator :
This coordinator is working with sub-coordinators (so called SPEX).

* Gulls :
- large gulls :
Peter Rock :

- small gulls :
Kjeld Pedersen :

- Audouin's Gull :
Raül Aymí :

- Mediterranean Gull :
Kjeld Pedersen, in cooperation with Renaud Flamant :

- Black-legged Kittiwake :

* Terns :

- all tern species, except Little Tern :
Derick Hiemstra :

- Little Tern.
Yosef Kiat, Israeli Bird Ringing Center :

- Roseate Tern :
Dr Stephen Newton :

* Crows :
- Western Jackdaw, Rook, Carrion Crow, Hooded Crow and Raven.
Dirk Raes :

* alle pelican-species :
Sebastian Bugariu :

* Ducks :
- for nose-saddles :

David Rodrigues :

- for non nose-saddles :
UK : Kane Brides :

* all tits and trushes :
Henri Bouwmeester :

* all pipits in the UK :

* pipits for Europe : Chris Clamsdell :

* Golden Eagle : Ivaylo Angelov :

* Turtle Dove in the UK : BTO :

* Northern Gannet : Lucy Wright ;

* Eurasian Spoonbill : Tamar Lok ;

* Common Kestrel : Petra Sumasgutner ;

* White-tailed Eagle :  Bjorn Helander ;

* Eurasian snowfinch : Eliseo Strinella :

* Lesser Spotted Eagle : Urmas Sellis ;

* Eurasian Griffon Vulture : 
Alvaro Camiña Cardenal ;

(Chairman of the Eurasian Griffon Vulture Working Group since 2005 and Secretary of the Vulture Conservation Foundation)

* Egyptian Vulture : Ron Efrat :

* Montagu's Harrier :
Almut Schlaich - Dutch Montagu’s Harrier Foundation :

* Nightjar (C. europaeus) : Ruben Evens :

* Harriers in Spain : Toribio Alvarez ;

* Peregrine Falcon in the UK :

* Peregrine Falcon in (continental) Europe :
Didier Vangeluwe, Head of the Belgian Ringing Scheme (BeBirds) :

* Saker Falcon : Mátyás Prommer ;

* Eurasian Coot : Kane Brides ;

* Black Stork : Eniko Anna Tamas ;
skype : et-baja-hu

* European Roller : Tom Finch ;

* all Shrike -species : Octavio Infante ;

* House Sparrow (outside UK, in casu France) : Benjamin Vollot ;

* Eurasian Tree Sparrow : (only for The Netherlands)
Arend Timmerman :

* European Greenfinch : Marcin Faber ;

* Cyprus Wheatear :
Marina Xenophontos : 
Will Creswell :

* Snowbunting : Quentin Dupriez ;

* Mute Swan : Pelle Andersen-Harild ;

* Twite : Jamie Dunning ;

* Yellow-breasted Bunting (Emberiza aureola) :
Amur Bird Project / Wieland Heim :

* Little Egret (UK) : Barry Trevis :

* Buzzard (UK) - wingtags : Kevin Leighton :



--> Interested to become a species coordinator ?

contact European colour-ring Birding : [ cr-birding ATT ]

In agreement with the mentioned institutes, the coordinator will be designated.