
Bean Goose
scientific name: 
Anser serrirostris

Yellow neckband with black three alpha-numeric code.

note 1 : code can be 1 letter and 2 numbers or letters OR 1 number and 2 numbers/letters. Note that yellow can turn white by age (see picture).

note 2 :  this project continues former neckbanding activities of the late Prof. Rutschke in Eastern Germany and was restarted in late winter 2006. The new project will run in close co-operation with the “European Greater White-fronted Goose project” (Helmut Kruckenberg, Bart Ebbinge/Alterra : )

note 3 : used neckbands have the same design like the European Greater White-fronted Goose project (1 letter and in 90° two numbers or letters). The following letters are currently in use: O, P, T, U, V, Z, L, J. Since winter 2009/10 new neckbands with 3 letters, starting with letters A, B or C are in use.

note 4 : most birds will be ringed in the Netherlands by Goose catchers of the “Nederlandse Vereniging van Ganzenvangers” together with Alterra/Wageningen. From 2006 to 2019 769 birds were banded with yellow neckbands. Also in 2020 birds are caught.

note 5 : in summers 2007 to 2019, 68 birds (with letter P, R and B) were ringed as breeding birds at the island Kolguev/Russia by Helmut Kruckenberg and Alexander Kondratyev (see a expedition report at

note 6 : neckbanding in Eastern Germany restarted in autumn 2006 (7 rossicus caught at lake Gülpe, state Brandenburg). In October 2007, 37 Taiga Bean Geese and 22 Tundra Bean Geese were neckbanded at the Lower Odra National Park, state Brandenburg. In December 2007, another 27 rossicus were neckband in state Saxony, Germany. In 2009, 97 Tundra Bean Geese were neckbanded in early autumn near lake Gülpe and another 56 rossicus in late autumn near Leipzig/Saxony. In November 2018, 2 Taiga Beans and 9 Tundra Beans were neckbanded at the Lower Odra National Park.

note 7 : from 2007 to 2017, altogether 80 Bean Geese were banded in Russia outside island Kolguev, including 21 Tundra Bean Geese neckbanded as moult visitors at Neruta river near the Pechora delta/Russia by Konstantin Litvin and colleagues in summer 2008 and 2009, 21 Tundra Bean banded at Kanin peninsula by Alexander Kondratyev and colleagues in summer 2010, 11 Tundra Bean Geese ringed during spring migration (2009-2017) at Kologriv floodplains by Petr Glazov and colleagues.

note 8 : in summer 2010 and 2012 altogether 107 Tundra Bean Geese and 5 Taiga Bean Geese were neckbanded (with letters G or X) as moult visitors on Varanger peninsula/Norway by Tomas Aarvak and colleagues. Two Taiga Bean Geese were banded in northern Trondelag/Norway in spring 2013 and 3 Tundra Bean Geese in summer 2013 in the breeding areas in Finnmark/Norway (with letter G).

note 9 : in November 2010, 34 Tundra Bean Geese were neckbanded (letter A with 2 letters) at lake Fertöujlak/Hungary by Marta Ferenci, Kees Polderdijk and colleagues.

note 10 : in summers 2012 and 2013 7 Taiga Bean Geese were neckbanded (with letter M) in breeding areas in northern Finland by Antti Paasivara and colleagues.

note 11 : during the period 2001-2003, 93 Bean Geese were ringed with yellow neckbands in the Netherlands. These neckbands had the following design: number-U-number; e.g. 1U0. Please note, that these neckbands are now mostly faded and more looking yellow-whitish.

note 12 :  neckbanding activities in Eastern Germany were started in the 1970ies and ran until 1993. No birds from that period are alive anymore. Please note, that these yellow rings faded and are now whitish. Following design was used: number-letter-number (e.g.1V5; following letters were used: A,E,J,G,L,N,P,R,V,X,Y,Z) and number-letter-letter (e.g. 2CX; only numbers 1 to 6 were used).

note 13 : also older recoveries from earlier neckbanding periods are very welcomed to complete our recovery-database. Note that yellow can turn white by age (see picture).

email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
colour-ring colour (of the c-ring): 
Yellow [Y]
colour-ring code (of the c-ring): 
Three alpha-numeric code (3 letters/numbers).
countries where ringed: 
The Netherlands.