
Little Tern
scientific name: 
Sternula albifrons

Single striped ring (on either tarsus) and metal ring (on other leg).

note 1 : birds ringed in Norfolk, England up until 2008

note 2 : combination of stripes determines year of ringing : Orange/brown striped ring (on right leg) and BTO-Metal ring (on left leg).
chicks/birds ringed in 2007 : Orange/black striped ring (on leg) and metal ring (on right leg).
in 2006 the c-ring was put on the left leg for adults (5 birds ringed) and on the right leg for pulli (195 birds ringed).

Yellow/black striped ring (on left leg) and metal ring (on right leg).
in 2004 8 adults were ringed, no chicks were ringed.

Orange/light-blue striped ring (on right leg) and metal ring (on left leg).
during 2001, 149 chicks have been ringed at Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, England.

Orange/white stripe (on left leg) ; BTO metal ring (on right leg).
9 adults ringed in 2005.

Orange/white stripe (on right leg) ; BTO metal ring (on left leg).

email sighting submit: 
email sighting submit (2): 
colour-ring type: 
Legring : one, uncoded.
countries where ringed: 
United Kingdom.