Common Reed Bunting
scientific name:
Emberiza schoeniclus
Combination of one c-ring and a metal ring : 1 c-ring either right or left leg and above or below a metal ring).
note 1 : used colours are red, yellow, orange, white, blue and green.
note 2 : the ring is site-specific - please specify combination, eg. blue above metal on left leg or yellow on right leg and metal on left leg.
note 3 : birds are ringed since 2009 in miscanthus-fields close to Trier, Germany. The aim is to find out how miscanthus is used by the local breeding population and also by migrating birds as a stopover-site.
note 4 : some of these birds are fitted with radio-tags.
note 5 :
email sighting submit:
colour-ring type:
Legring : one, uncoded.
countries where ringed: