Eurasian snowfinch
scientific name:
Montifringilla nivalis
Combination of 1 to 3 (metallic anodized) aluminium c-rings and a metal ring.
note 1 : used colours are brown, black, red, yellow, green, violet, orange, dark-blue, light-blue, grey.
note 2 : this project it foresees the study : demography (including site fidelity reproductive), social organization, Juvenile dispersion in the Appennini Mountains.
note 3 : birds are ringed in the territory, National Park Gran Sasso Laga (Abruzzo - Italy). The cr-project was initiated in 2009.
note 4 : for marking scheme info. , please refer to :
note 5 :
email sighting submit:
website information:
colour-ring type:
Legrings : combination of uncoded.
countries where ringed: