
Sandwich Tern
scientific name: 
Thalasseus sandvicensis

White ring with a black 3 alpha code, starting letter 'U'.

note 1 : used letters are : A, B, C, D, F, H, J, K, L, N, P, S, T, V, Z.

note 2 : nestling Sandwich Terns have been ringed on the Farne Islands or Coquet Island, Northumberland, England,  by the Natural History Society of Northumbria and the National Trust and we are very grateful for any sightings.

note 3 :

email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Legring : one, coded.
colour-ring colour (of the c-ring): 
White [W]
colour-ring code (of the c-ring): 
Three alpha code (3 letters).
countries where ringed: 
United Kingdom.
First letter/number (of the c-ring):