
scientific name: 
Calidris alba
ref. number: 
IWSG 47-52 ; 2294-2311 ; 2147-3155

Combination of :
* one flag
(on left or right tarsus or tibia).
* 2 c-rings (on left or right tarsus).
* 2 c-rings (on left or right tarsus).
* metal ring (on left or right tibia).

Preferably use the submit-website AnimalTrack to report your sanderling observations. It will automatically provide you with the bird's life history.

note 1 : used colours for flags (and rings) are: black, white (Mauretania or Oman), yellow (The Netherlands), red (Ghana), dark-blue (Greenland), dark-green (Iceland and Greenland) and orange (Namibia).

note 2 : on the tarsus the flag is above, between of below the two colour-rings. Carefully check whether the flag is above the leg joint (tibia) or below (tarsus), please.

note 3 : c-rings and flags on one tarsus can be of the same colour and look like one. If no ring are lost (see note 4), there should however always be at least two rings on each tarsus!

note 4 : sanderlings have been colour-ringed in Ghana, Mauritania, Oman, Netherlands, Iceland and Greenland, Sweden, Svalbard (Norway), Poland and Portugal. In total more than 6,000 sanderlings have been colour-ringed (October 2015), this number will increase.

note 5 : a few birds have lost a flag in the course of some years. Luckily, most of these individuals are known to us. If you also report the location of the metal ring (left or right tibia) it is often possible to find out which individual this is and where it has been observed before.

note 6 : all sanderlings with flags observed in Europe and Africa belong to this project. However, sanderlings with a white flag on the tibia belong to the project of Dr. R.I.G. Morrison.

note 7: sightings should preferably be entered via AnimalTrack https://animaltrack.org/ where you will after registration automatically get to see the life history of individual birds.

note 8 : see also : http://www.waderstudygroup.org/projects/sanderling-project/

note 9 : see also (in Dutch) : http://www.metawad.nl/trekvogelsoorten/drieteenstrandloper/

note 10 : Browse the ISWG register, but before read "How to use the register".

note 11 : 

email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Flag : combination of uncoded flag and legring(s).
countries where ringed: 