Combination of a coded wingtag (on left and right wing).
note 1 :
* yellow, red, dark-green, pale-blue and black [on left wing] where each colour denoting year of release from 2007 to 2011 (Norwegian Release birds)
* white [on right wing] where denoting Killarney National Park, release site.
* all wingtags carry a single alpha (letter) or single or double black or white numeric code, or symbol, repeated on both wing tags.
* orange [on left wing]
* purple, yellow, pale-blue, dark-green [on right wing] denoting year of tagging as chicks at nests (2014-present). (Irish-bred birds)
* all wingtags carry a single alpha (letter) or single or double black or white numeric code, or symbol, repeated on both wing tags.
note 1 : 100 young eagles, taken under licence from nest in Norway, have been released in SW Ireland as part of a reintroduction programme for White-tailed Eagles in the Republic of Ireland (2007-2011). Young Irish-bred eagles have been ringed and wing-tagged since 2014. Wing-tagging methods and codes have been agreed with the British Trust for Ornithology and the UK Sea Eagle Project Team prior to it’s inception in 2007 and use a different coding system to the UK (Scottish west and east coast) projects.
note 2 :