
Sandwich Tern
scientific name: 
Thalasseus sandvicensis

Green ring with a two alpha code.

note 1 : used letters are A, B, C, D, F, H, J, K, L, N, P, S, T, V, Z.

note 2 : only adult birds are ringed near the Saline di Comacchio, Po-delta by Adriano Talamelli.

note 3 : birds ringed during 2005.

note 4 : birds are already seen at Mile 4 Salt Works, Namibia (courtesy Mark Boorman & Sandra Dantu).

note 5 : for marking scheme info. , please refer to : stefano.volponi@isprambiente.it

note 6 :



email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Legring : one, coded.
colour-ring colour (of the c-ring): 
Dark Green [G]
colour-ring code (of the c-ring): 
Two alpha code (2 letters).
countries where ringed: 