
Sandwich Tern
scientific name: 
Thalasseus sandvicensis

Combination of 3 rings : a yellow ring over the metal ring (on right leg) and

1 ring (on left leg).

note 1 : one aim of this project is to study the moult of the Sandwich Tern and the use of the moulting stages for ageing. Another aim is to find out from where the resting birds at Falsterbo originate. During the period 1997-2002 some 400 adult birds have been caught.

note 2 : during 2001 following codes were used: right tarsus : yellow ring over metal ring and left tarsus : red ring.

remark : during 2001 two birds were ringed with a dark-blue ring (instead of red) outside the Falsterbo peninsula.

note 3 : during 2002 following codes are used : right tarsus : yellow over metal ring and left tarsus : white ring.

remark : some birds can be ringed during 2002 with a third ring on the left tarsus.


email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Legrings : combination of uncoded.