
Common Kestrel
scientific name: 
Falco tinnunculus

Combination of a uncoded wingtag (two colours on each wing) and a white ring with a black 3 alpha-numeric code (starting letter "C").

note 1 : used colours are : white, orange, green, yellow, blue, gray.
note 2 : each bird has an unique combination.
note 3 : birds are marked with thes wingtags because they are equipped
with geolocators that need to get back in order to dowload the data. Therefore
all the sightings of these birds are especially valuable !
note 4 : birds can be succesfully reported by only reading the tag and not necessary the colour-ring.    
note 5 : project runs since 2011.

email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Wingtag : uncoded.
countries where ringed: 