
Carrion Crow
scientific name: 
Corvus c. corone

Combination of a 2 alpha ring and metal ring.

note 1 : used (white or black) codes are AA-AZ.

note 2 : used colours for the ring : white, yellow, orange, red, green.

note 3 : used colours for the code : white or black.

note 4: birds ringed in the UK,  county Edinburgh.

note 5 : metal ring on right leg. note 6 : from 2012 onwards : addiional codes CA-CZ will be used.

email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Legring : one, coded.
colour-ring code (of the c-ring): 
Two alpha code (2 letters).
colour-ring position (of the c-ring): 
Tarsus left.
countries where ringed: 
United Kingdom.