Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch
scientific name:
Fringilla polatzeki
Combination of 2 or 3 c-rings and metal ring.
note 1 : 2 or 3 c-rings, since 2019, two colored rings (on one leg) and one colored ring and the metal ring (on other leg).
note 2 : sex can be part of the cr-scheme.
note 3 : used colours are : white, black, dark-blue, orange, red, yellow, dark-green, ligth-green, violet, dark-pink.
note 4 : birds ringed in Gran Canaria Island.
note 5 : birds ringed since 2013.
note 6 : whithin the official conservation program for the species.
note 7 :
email sighting submit:
email sighting submit (2):
Felipe Rodríguez
colour-ring type:
Legrings : combination of uncoded.
countries where ringed:
Gran Canaria island.