
Great Grey Shrike
scientific name: 
Lanius excubitor

Combination of :
* on left tarsus : 
red OR white OR yellow (2014) OR black (2015) OR green (2016) ring over the metal ring.
* on right tarsus : two c-rings.

note 1 : red ring OR white OR yellow (2014) OR black (2015) OR green ring over metal ring (on left tarsus) is the so-called marker of this project.

note 2 : project started during winter 2011-2012.

note 3 : the first year one ring and later two rings will be used (on right tarsus). used colours are : dark-green, dark-blue, black, white, yellow, orange and red.

note 4 :  the goal of the project is :
* to get a better insight in the ecology of the species in Slovenia. The project is coordinated and performed by DOPPS's professional ornithologists and field work is largely supported by volunteers, most of them experienced field ornithologists.
* determine how different wintering individuals use habitat at Ljubljansko barje (central Slovenia)
* detecting their local movements by the help of colour rings.
* calculate the degree of wintering-site fidelity of ringed individuals

note 5 : pay attention, depending the area of your sighting to this project :

note 6 : take care Southern Grey Shrike has seperate cr-projects.

note 7 : 

email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Legrings : combination of uncoded.
countries where ringed: 