
Hen Harrier
scientific name: 
Circus cyaneus

Combination of a dark-blue ring with a white two alpha-numeric code (1 letter and 1 number) and metal ring (on the other leg).

note 1 : the birds are ringed on the East Frisian Islands/Niedersachsen/Germany.

note 2 : the uncoded colour-ring on one leg is the marker for the island, while the blue ring with inscription is for the individual. Please check carefully the leg (left or right) of the coded ring. 

note 3 : the ring above the metal ring is an island marker, so also incomplete readings are welcome. 

note 4 : used colours are orange, dark green, black, red, yellow, dark blue, white.

email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Legring : one, coded.
colour-ring colour (of the c-ring): 
Dark Blue [B]
colour-ring code (of the c-ring): 
Two alpha-numeric code (2 letters/numbers).
countries where ringed: 