
Rock Pipit
scientific name: 
Anthus petrosus

Combination of 3 c-rings : 
* 2 c-ring (on left leg)
* broad striped bicolour c-ring below metal ring (on right leg). 

note 1 : used bi-colours are : red/white (white/red) , dark-blue/white (white/dark-blue) , lime/white (white/lime) , carmine/white white/carmine). 

note 2 : used plain colours are : carmine, light-pink, lime, orange, dark-blue, mauve, yellow, red.

note 3 : birds ringed on the Isle of Man, British Isles.


email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Legrings : combination of uncoded.
countries where ringed: 
United Kingdom.