
Sociable Lapwing
scientific name: 
Vanellus gregarius

Combination of 4 rings (2 on each tibia), no metal ring.

note 1 : between 2004 and 2015, 153 adults and 1,490 chicks have been fitted with full combinations in their breeding areas in Central (Lake Tengiz region) and Eastern Kazakhstan (Pavlodar and East-Kazakhstan districts).

note 2 : used colours are : red, pink, orange, yellow, dark green, dark blue, light blue (2004 only), black (2004 only) and white. All rings are attached to the tibia (above the tarsal joint).
To read a combination, start from top to bottom, beginning with the left leg. A bird wearing a white ring over a green on the left leg, and a red ring over a blue one on the right leg would be noted as WGRB.

note 3 : pink, orange and red are often hard to tell apart in the field, and may require approaching the bird quite closely.

note 4 : blue rings (both pale and dark blue) are sometimes faded out and can appear lime green or even white at larger distances.

note 5: red rings are slightly smaller than orange rings, which can help if in doubt about the colour.

note 6 : additionally, 53 chicks were ringed with single colour rings on either leg. The following colours were used: orange (2005); red, pink and blue (2006); yellow, green and white (2007).

note 7 : the project leaders are also interested in every observation of unringed birds. Please give location, date, number of birds and habitat notes.

note 8 : in 2007 to 2011, 29 birds have been fitted with Argos satellite transmitters.

email sighting submit: 
colour-ring type: 
Legrings : combination of uncoded.
countries where ringed: 