Find a colour-ring project

Titlesort descending Colour-ring type Soort Colour-ring colour Colour-ring code First letter Last letter Colour-ring position
Crows Legring : one, coded. Western Jackdaw Yellow [Y] Four alpha-numeric code (4 letters/numbers). H
Crows Legring : one, coded. Western Jackdaw White [W] Four alpha code (4 letters). E
Crows Legrings : combination of uncoded. Western Jackdaw
Crows Legring : one, coded. Red-billed Chough Orange [O] Three alpha code (3 letters). A, B, S or C Tarsus left.
Crows Legrings : combination of uncoded. Common Magpie
Crows Legring : one, coded. Rook Dark Green [G] Three alpha-numeric code (3 letters/numbers).
Crows Legrings : combination of uncoded. Jay
Crows Legrings : combination of uncoded. Rook
Crows Legrings : combination of uncoded. Carrion Crow
Crows Legrings : combination of one coded and uncoded rings. Western Jackdaw
Crows Legring : one, coded. Carrion Crow Two alpha code (2 letters). Tarsus left.
Crows Legrings : combination of uncoded. Common Magpie
Crows Legrings : combination of uncoded. Rook
Crows Legrings : combination of uncoded. Western Jackdaw
Crows Legrings : combination of one coded and uncoded rings. Carrion Crow
Crows Legrings : combination of one coded and uncoded rings. Hooded Crow
Crows Legring : one, coded. Carrion Crow
Crows Legring : one, coded. Hooded Crow
Crows Legring : one, coded. Common Raven Orange [O] Three alpha-numeric code (3 letters/numbers). Tarsus right.
Crows Legring : one, coded. Carrion Crow Black (Niger) [N] Two alpha-numeric code (2 letters/numbers).
Crows Wingtag : coded. Carrion Crow
Crows Legring : one, coded. Carrion Crow Yellow [Y] Three alpha code (3 letters). I
Crows Legring : one, coded. Western Jackdaw Red [R] Three alpha-numeric code (3 letters/numbers). P Tarsus right.
Crows Legring : one, coded. Carrion Crow White [W] Two alpha-numeric code (2 letters/numbers).
Crows Legring : one, coded. Carrion Crow Yellow [Y] Two alpha-numeric code (2 letters/numbers).
